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Frequently Asked Questions

We focus our services in the St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Palm Coast, Palatka, Daytona, and Flagler areas, but we are open to other projects outside of North East Florida. We Got You Covered!

Hester’s Roofing and Coating has a Florida state license! Our license number is CCC1329048. We also carry adequate General Liability and Worker’s Compensation policies.

Yes, we do! However, there is a convenience fee.

YES! We now offer financing through Synchrony, Job Nimbus affiliates, and access to other no-interest credit card promotions.

We have a 10-year labor warranty on Roof systems. Manufacturer warranties vary depending on material type and brand. Most of our full system warranties range from 30 to 50 years. We do not offer a warranty on repairs.

Once you’ve agreed to the proposal, you will sign and return the proposal/contract. After that you will sign (insert form name) and have notarized. Once completed scan a PDF copy back to us or we will collect the original to have recorded by your city/county. The next and most exciting step in protecting your biggest investment is selecting a color for your shingles or metal panels. Then order the materials and submit for a building permit. Once that is complete, we will execute your roofing project, and you will pay upon completion.

Yes. Installing shingles over shingles or metal over shingles is a common practice in Florida. The roof will be inspected prior to ensure there are no signs of damaged roof decking or rotting wood under the current roof system. Florida’s code supports up to 2 layers of roof.

We like to start around 7 a.m. The first several hours will be loud, expect hammering and scraping as we remove the current roof system. There will be various types of debris around the house, however, we will provide a dumpster and do our best to transition the majority of the debris from the roof directly to the dumpster. There could be nails, so please be cautious and where shoes outside until the final inspection is complete and the dumpster has been removed.

Yes. We work with new and existing insurance claims. We can inspect your roof and communicate any potential damages. We also would be happy to attend any insurance adjuster meetings as well.

Give us a call after a recent rain, we will come test to see if it is actively leaking with a moisture meter.

Yes. We are currently looking for qualified roof salesmen or saleswomen.

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