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A home with a shingle roof getting a roof replacement in Florida

Your home’s roof is a meticulously designed and constructed feature. It protects your home from the elements, provides insulation to keep you comfortable, and enhances your home’s curb appeal. However, your roof doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Hester’s Roofing & Coating is here to help homeowners throughout St. Augustine, St. John’s, Fleming Island, Green Cove, and Palm Coast, Florida answer the question, “How often should you replace your roof?” The answer isn’t always straightforward and depends on numerous factors. However, if you’re experiencing issues with your home’s roof, you can always count on our team for reliable roofing services. Learn more about how you can protect your home by maintaining your roof.

How Long Do Roofs Last?

One of the most important factors when determining if it’s time to replace your roof is understanding how long roofs are built to last. Unfortunately, there are numerous factors that can cause variations between homes. Understanding these differences is crucial for ensuring you’ve got a roof over your head you can trust. Learn about the factors influencing the replacement frequency of your roof:

  • Installation Quality – One of the most significant factors when determining how long a roof lasts is the installation quality. Poorly installed roofs from inexperienced, unlicensed, or careless roofers will need to be replaced more frequently. Similarly, using low-quality materials will lead to more rapid deterioration of your roofing system.
  • Climate – Climates with chilly winters or blistering summers, such as Florida, can accelerate the wear and tear to your roof. The intense heat can remove the chemicals that make your asphalt shingles flexible, leading to cracks. One of the easiest ways to deal with this issue is by installing a tile or metal roofing system.
  • Maintenance – An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure. There is no better way to extend the life of your roof than with routine maintenance. A roof maintenance professional can ensure your flashing is secured, inspect the condition of the shingles, and ensure your roofing system is prepared for the upcoming year. We recommend yearly roofing maintenance.
  • Material – The type of material used in your roofing installation plays a significant role in the longevity of your roof. Some roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles, are only good for a maximum of 15-25 years. However, premium materials such as metal and tile roofing can last 40-80 years if maintained throughout the decades.

What Types of Materials Are Available for New Roof Replacement?

Home and business owners can choose from a wide range of roofing materials when considering installing a new roof. Each has its own list of pros and cons, and there are many factors to consider when deciding which is right for your property. Some of the most popular types of roofing materials include the following:

  • Asphalt Shingles – Asphalt shingles and architectural shingles are popular for many roofing projects because they are affordable, versatile, and can last for decades with proper maintenance.
  • Tile Roofing – Tile has a superior lifespan when compared to other roofing materials, especially asphalt shingles. They can last up to 100 years when properly installed. They also add an unmatched aesthetic look to your home’s curb appeal. However, they are typically heavier than other roofing materials.
  • Metal Roofing – Metal roofing is another gorgeous and durable roofing option. They last up to 80 to 90 years with proper maintenance. Metal roofing materials are resistant to extreme weather conditions, making them ideal for Florida’s summer heat and hurricane season.

What Are the Signs That Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced?

Despite its importance, many homeowners aren’t aware of the signs their home’s roofing system is beginning to fail. It isn’t typically until water has stained their ceiling that they realize they have a real issue with their roof. Knowing the common and uncommon signs of roof failure is the first step in protecting your home, family, or business from the damaging effects of rainwater. When you know what to look for, you can get the roof replacement services you need before more significant damage to your property occurs. Some of the common signs include the following:

  • Cracked or Curling Shingles – As your asphalt shingles age, the chemicals that make them flexible are lost due to exposure to extreme temperatures such as scorching days. Florida experiences temperatures in the triple digits multiple times throughout the summer, which puts stress on your roofing system. When they curl, the shingle can no longer protect your property from rainwater.
  • Missing Shingles – Your home’s roof is an entire system. Shingles are arranged to help water flow away from the rooftop and towards the gutters. However, if a single shingle is missing, it can compromise its structural integrity and expose your home to potential water issues. Missing shingles can be blown off during heavy windstorms or when damaged by debris.
  • Granule Loss – Granules weatherproof your roof, add durability, and provide enhanced aesthetics for your roof. Their function is critical for the integrity of your roof. However, the granules may become lost and fall off over time during heavy rainstorms. If you notice any granules in your gutter downspouts or your roof becoming discolored, it may be time for a replacement.
  • Moss or Algae Growth – Moss and algae growth may not seem problematic. In fact, some homeowners even find the aesthetic quaint or charming. Unfortunately, moss and algae can cause significant damage to your roof and home. These plants can grow between the shingle, lifting them and allowing water to penetrate beneath, damaging your roof, attic, and ceiling.
  • Sagging – If you notice your roof bows in the center or is uneven, it may be a sign of a significant structural issue caused by excessive weight, water damage, or poor construction. Not only are you exposing your home to the elements, but the threat of a potential roof collapse may be imminent. It’s important to schedule a consultation with a trusted roofing company immediately to protect your property.
  • Water Stains – When water stains appear on your home’s ceiling, they should be a cause for concern. Either there’s an issue with your home’s plumbing, or you’ve got a roof leak. Roof damage can lead to leaks, which only accelerate the deterioration. It’s crucial to act quickly to protect your roof. While it may not always require a complete roof replacement, you’ll likely need a repair.
  • Age – Many roofs have limited life depending on the materials used and the construction process. If your shingle roof is approaching 20 years old, even if you’re not noticing any issues, it’s essential to have it inspected. A professional roofer will be able to assess your roof and determine if there are any unseen issues.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My Roof?

Installing a new roof is more than just about replacing your damaged one. A new, high-performance roof provides numerous benefits to home and business owners that extend beyond superior protection from the rain. Understanding the benefits of a new roof may help reinforce your decision that now is the best time. Learn more about some of the benefits of installing a new roof:

  • Cost Savings – One of the most significant considerations for any home improvement project is the cost. Luckily, installing a new roof is one of the biggest ROIs for your home. Installing a new roof before your roof fails will help to save you money due to additional labor and material costs associated with a more comprehensive project.
  • Energy Efficiency – During scorching hot summer days, an old, leaky roof allows your air conditioning to escape your home, causing your energy bill to skyrocket quickly. A new roof provides better insulation for your home, reflected in lower energy costs.
  • Increased Home Value – A new roof can significantly boost your home’s curb appeal and resale value. Potential buyers are more likely to invest in a property with a well-maintained roof, making it a worthwhile investment if you plan to sell your home in the future.

Now Is the Best Time to Schedule Your Roof Inspection

If you have concerns about the condition of your home’s roof, the first step is to schedule your roof inspection. The skilled and experienced roofing professionals at Hester’s Roofing & Coating will come to your home or business to assess your roof’s condition and quality and recommend a service. Older roofs should be routinely inspected as they are more prone to failure. Whether you’re uncertain about your roof’s age or know the exact installation date, we’re the team you can trust for roof inspection, repair, and installation. We offer warranty-backed solutions for your new roof. Discover why homeowners throughout the area trust us for roof replacement services, then contact us for a free quote.